Providing High Quality
Spay & Neuter Surgery
For Your Dog Or Cat

Spay & Neuter Surgery for Pets in Plantation & Ft. Lauderdale, FL

At Central Broward Animal Hospital, we know that no two pets are alike. That’s why we go beyond the routine for every spay and neuter surgery, offering care that is as unique as your pet and abiding by the highest safety standards. Whether it’s a straightforward procedure or something more complex, your pet’s health and comfort are always our focus. Our team in Plantation, FL, is committed to providing care that’s tailored to your pet’s needs at every step.

Is your pet spayed or neutered? Schedule a consultation with our team today!

Spay And Neuter Surgeries For Pets In Plantation Fl
Veterinarian Performing A Surgery

Why Spay and Neuter Surgery Is Essential for Your Pet

Spaying or neutering your pet benefits not only your cat or dog but also the broader pet community. Here’s why our veterinarians recommend this surgery for all pets:

Veterinary Staff Holding Small Puppy Mobile
Veterinary Staff Holding Small Puppy

Timing Your Pet’s Spay or Neuter Surgery

For most pets, spaying or neutering can be done around six months of age, but the ideal timing depends on your pet’s health, breed, and gender. In some cases, earlier surgery for females can provide additional protection against mammary tumors, while larger dogs may benefit from waiting until they reach full growth. Your veterinarian will carefully evaluate your pet’s individual needs and work with you to determine the best time for surgery. Together, we’ll choose the right path for your pet’s health and well-being.