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Senior and Geriatric
Pet Care
for Dogs & Cats in Plantation and Ft. Lauderdale, FL

With significant advancements in veterinary medicine, cats and dogs are living longer than ever before. And as such, they are experiencing old age—and some of the conditions that come with it. Aches and pains, arthritis, loss of hearing or eyesight, and age-related diseases like cancer, can all develop. At Central Broward Animal Hospital, our goal is to give your pet the care they need to enjoy their golden years and maintain the best quality of life.

senior pet care in plantation and ft. lauderdale, fl

Has your senior pet seen the vet in the last 6 months?

If not, schedule a visit!

old dog

When is My Cat or Dog Considered a Senior?

This question has a variety of answers based on your pet’s breed. For small breed dogs, they are usually considered a senior at 7 years of age. Large breed dogs, however, often have a shorter lifespan, and may be considered a senior at 5-6 years old. Cats are usually considered senior at 7 years of age.

Why We Recommend Semiannual Vet Visits for Senior Pets

Senior pets are at a vulnerable stage of their life. They are often more prone to injury and disease, and may also suffer from age-related conditions like arthritis, which can affect their quality of life. Many diseases and conditions can go unnoticed until the disease is much further advanced—and much harder to treat. With more routine vet visits, we can stay on top of your pet’s changing health and address any problems in the early stages when they are far easier to treat.

Common Problems for Senior & Geriatric Pets

Some of the more common issues we look for in senior and geriatric pets include:

  • Old age aches and pains
  • Arthritis
  • Senility
  • Failing vision
  • Loss of hearing
  • Cancer
  • Kidney or heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Thyroid issues

Catching problems early means we have a better chance of treating or managing these issues so your pet can have a fulfilling, high quality of life well into their golden years.

old black cat

Recognizing Problems in Your Senior Pet

Paying close attention to your pet’s behavior during their senior years can alert you to problems before there are any serious symptoms. If you notice any of the following, it’s worth making an appointment so we can assess their condition:

  • Changes in behavior such as aggression, increased lethargy, clinginess, or avoiding contact with you
  • Changes in eating or drinking habits (eating/drinking less or more than usual)
  • Difficulty or reluctance sitting up or lying down
  • Reluctance or disuse of the stairs
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Difficulty or inability to urinate
  • Failing to use the litter box (cats)
  • Weight gain or loss

If you ever have a question or concern about your senior dog or cat, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at (954) 792-6323!